15 Under 50 Feature 21 + update

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Holy crap, what even is life? I believe the last life update I gave was some time in November. The first half of this year was fairly good. I had a fantastic birthday in March. A good friend came down to stay with me, and she helped me put together a Bridgerton-themed tea party. It was fantastic, I think I posted a photo of myself at said tea party in my gallery. I planted a peach tree in my front yard towards the end of the month, and I even had some peaches before the local wildlife stole them. I got into a consistent skincare routine for the very first time in my life, I turned 35 so it seemed like it was time. I really got into music again, and I FREAKED out about all the new music releasing this year and threw myself into it wholeheartedly. I purchased tickets to see Kacey Musgraves and Sabrina Carpenter later this year. I would have loved to see Conan Gray, but sadly he's not coming to Florida. I bought my FIRST record store day purchases (but online the next day because I didn't want to be in the crowds lol). I have also bought a ton of vinyl this year in general...oops. I've discovered so many artists I just genuinely love this year, it's honestly a very exciting year to be into music.

I started getting Kroger delivery for groceries at the beginning of the year (we don't have in-person Kroger stores here, only delivery but its freaking fantastic and I like it much better than Publix). So, I've been cooking a lot this year, and I recently bought a few new cookbooks so I've been having a good time trying out new things. I made my first bok choy recipe the other night and it was so good! I thought I would supplement more with hellofresh which is what I've used for the past few years, but I think I've only gotten a couple of boxes this year. Basically, I'm back with my cooking inspiration! Yay!

For the less good parts, Seren had a really weird but pretty short episode(around 30 seconds to a minute) in April that her vet and I thought *might* be some type of seizure, but I was told to just keep an eye on it because sometimes dogs have one and never have another. She possibly had an even shorter one in May, but then  at the beginning of July, she had her longest one yet, several minutes. It was honestly pretty terrifying, 10/10 do not recommend. I decided at that point that I wanted to take her to a neurologist especially since she'll be 11 this year. Most often when seizures occur after 6 years in dogs, there's something bad causing it. Her seizures aren't really typical seizures, but the neurologist agreed that it did look like some kind of neurological episode. She passed her physical exam, and she then recommended imaging and some tests (really the only way you can be reasonably certain). I felt super comfortable with this specialist, she was incredibly kind, Seren seemed really at ease with her, and she just overall seemed really up to date with new research, etc. $5k later, Seren had a chest scan, a thyroid test, MRI, and spinal tap. The doom that I felt in my brain waiting on them to finish the MRI and come give me results to see if my dog had a brain tumor or something equally as bad was acute. Considering I had already planned out 5 courses of action in my head, when the neurologist came in to tell me they found NOTHING on her MRI, I burst into tears. BEST NEWS EVER. All other tests came back clear too. Unrelated to the episodes, they did find some mild chronic bronchitis in her lungs, but basically she's pretty healthy otherwise apparently :shrug: The doctor put her on a low dose of Keppra, an anti-seizure med, every 8 hours, and she's been responding really well to it, she has great energy levels, coordination, and hasn't had any more episodes. I will attempt to *not* panic if she has one again, because breakthrough seizures are pretty common, and sometimes they have to fiddle around with the meds. Every 8 hours means a new wake-up time of 7am everyday which is not my favorite, but never getting to go to sleep early before 11pm is ROUGH. She's worth it though!

And onto the artwork!

15 UNDER 50

 15 Under 50 is a periodic feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 50 favorites. 15 under 50 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of recent favorited art of interest.

Summer's Threshold
Lady of the Lake
Crash Into Me
Polin Bridgerton Season 3
country house window V
Violet and Andarna
Forger Family
I am loving angels instead
© 2024 - 2025 Queen-Kitty
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