15 Under 15 Feature 81

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
Lots of flowers in this week's 15 under 15!  I'm sure this is of no surprise, since you all know I love flowers :lol:I've been working hard at prepping my garden for all of the rain we're finally getting and it's going out of control growing everywhere!  I'll have to eventually share some photos, that is if it ever stops raining long enough for me to go outside! I added some organic fertilizer to my roses last weekend, and already some of them are bursting with new blooms.  Despite the heat, I simply love this time of year!  I've been listening to podcasts while I dig in the dirt, sometimes about current events and science but usually about gardening lately.  It has me so psyched to attempt a vegetable garden!  I already grow quite a few herbs (basil and rosemary are my favorites), but I think it could be really wonderfully satisfying to have a few vegetable plants as well.  I'm thinking tomatoes, zucchini, and bell peppers at least.  I'm also very interested in looking for different varieties of basil; thanks to a podcast all about it, I discovered so many varieties that I never knew existed! And now onto this week's 15 under 15!

 15 Under 15

15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.

Optical Toys by Bajgraf
Zephyr by silkephoto
tropical dream by Jamitsu
Untitled by IrinaJoanne
Botanical Garden XXIII by esztervaly
Variation on a Bedroom Theme by PoromaaViolet by BlackMart

Adventure by SamanthaElisaMystery Flower by pinestater234
*** by Yanagl

Lavender I by Adeuh

15 Under 15 Features

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Jamitsu's avatar
wow ! thank for the featuring me :)