15 Under 15 Feature 6

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
This week has been interesting.  I co-hosted a baby shower for a cousin on Saturday with some intense decorations in my house that we started putting up a week before, and then right afterwards completely dismantled everything and started putting my Halloween decorations back up (I could not look at Winnie the Pooh for even one more day).  So, now that everything is more or less decorated, I am continually adding little things.  Last night was the night I decided to start experiment with that great spider web stuff that comes in a bag.  I was much better at figuring it out this time around, and I'm pretty happy with how it came out! You can see a part of it set up on my Instagram here: instagram.com/p/8wz_jwFblR/?ta…

And now onto the important stuff! Once again, another edition of "15 Under 15" is here! I hope you enjoy the photographs I've selected and please check out the rest of each artists' galleries as well! :aww:
Little Red. by Mijagiphotography
Kolya by DragonOfLust
DSC 8988v by KallyUa
Pioneer by KriSCole10 by kakaoconad.Jardin Botanique07 by M1n1L1nk

Mila by blueimagination
Matthew by jackalexanderUK
Boudoir by Alyz
Watermaiden 00004 by TomSimmonds

[Danielius] by wdx
yoko5 by marleendekker

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Alyz's avatar
Thank you ! :)