15 Under 15 Feature 51

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
Oh hey there, 15 under 15 is running a little late today, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

 15 Under 15

15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.

Untitled by NickSachos
iiIMG 7299 by dpavlov
gush by dagarmudu

ambuih by styvop
Aasiaat 2 by BezwzglednaRyba
From Hadera With Love by Innadril
Welcome Spring by ClaudiaFMiranda

lalok baliak kaco by styvop
Free by Poromaa
Jasmine by silkephoto
65-1 by Vilk42
8o9c0518 by DGBlackwell
motljus by identitetiskall

15 Under 15 Features

1  l 2  l 3  l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10  l 11  l 12 l 13 l 14 l 15 l 16  l 17  l 18l 19l 20l 21l 22l 23l 24l 25l 26l 27l 28l 29l 30l 31l 32l 33l 34l 35l 36l 37l 38l 39l 40l 41l 42l 43l 44l 45l 46

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aliasvassily's avatar
Awesome feature, great pictures, I love it!