15 Under 15 Feature 43

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
Another week, another 15 under 15! Last weekend I went to the beach to photograph a young friend of mine in a mermaid tail! We had perfect weather and it was so much fun photographing her on the rocks. It's a beach I've photographed on before with Ricky Lindsay, so I had texted him to see which part of the beach we usually shot on (it's big with lots of directions), so I had my phone in my pocket waiting to get a text back from him, and of course then I inadvertently walked into the water up to my hips with it in my pocket to get the right angle for a shot. So...I fried my iPhone 6, thankfully I still had a 5 I could back it up to, but it was kind of a disappointing event nonetheless.  But! Nature has got me happy this week, I finally started getting ripe grapes on my arbor (spoiler: they are filled with seeds and not tasty) and one of my sunflowers finally bloomed! I'm hoping when I get home from work today that another one will be open :D

 15 Under 15

15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.

Feet and flowers by Pretzail

The Meadow by mizu-shimma
la belle by Kjherstin

cipii by styvop

Doodling #020 by Razaras
Flowers by El-Sharra
Ruth wip by letrangechat
Roasted red pepper by BeKaphoto

dancing on my own by Mnbvka

Thank you again to LualaDy for suggesting a few new traditional artists to me for this week's feature! :aww:

15 Under 15 Features

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mizu-shimma's avatar
Thank you so much for the feature!! :iconflirtplz: