I haven't been getting much done this week or incidentally much sleep! I've been watching the DNC every evening, and by the time it's finished, it's at least around 11pm locally. That means that my mind is usually all in a flutter and sleep takes forever to come to me. However, I definitely have been working a little bit each day (and most of the weekend) on my garden project. Last Friday, I went to Lowes to check out what they had marked down, and with single-minded purpose ran to the plants and saw about 10-15 Knockout roses on clearance for $3. I was ECSTATIC! I grabbed 4 and was happy as a clam until an employee that was in that section, and who obviously saw and heard my excitement, told me that there was also a huge display of clearance roses by the entrance. My eyes might have went as large as saucers. I hurriedly ran out front with rose bushes in my hands (while also juggling my phone in one hand with the pokemon go app open to get in steps for my eggs) and saw the most glorious clearance display. Not only were there masses of knockouts but also tons of minis (any advice on best care for these, let me know plz) and huge Summer Romance rose bushes. Tl:dr, I got a bunch of roses. I had decided to devote about 1/3 of my garden area to mostly roses, thus this was a-ok with me. So, last weekend and this week, I've been working on planting them, pulling the ever abundant weeds, and FINALLY mulching the area. While I'm devoted to have the other area grow wild into an English garden look with plants as groundcover, I figured it would be better to mulch this part, so I finished yesterday evening and this is how it currently looks:
www.instagram.com/p/BIYqpekAvv…. Pretty proud that I managed to do it by myself and actually not get injured (so accident-prone). Anyways, that was my excitement for the week, what have you been up to?
I've got a kinda special 15 under 15 for you this week! I've been fretful about the lack of traditional and digital art in my features as of late, but
LualaDy recommended me some really great ones to include!

How sweet of her, right??? If you have any artists or art to recommend for inclusion, note me and let me know! So, let's get down to it!!
15 Under 15
15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.