15 Under 15 Feature 4

9 min read

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Queen-Kitty's avatar

I had a thought yesterday inspired by my frustration with the universe. I'm sure it's been said before and said better by others, but: Why are we so focused on the negatives and what we hate, instead of the positives and what we love? I always make a point to feature work that I love and promote artists I love, because, well, I love them and I want them to succeed. However, the negativity is sometimes overwhelming especially when I'm scrolling through my facebook feed,  photographers and models are constantly cutting down other photographers and models publicly.  If we all promoted a little more love (not just for photography and the rest of the arts, but for everything), it would make the world a much lovelier place to live in! Promoting somebody else's hard work doesn't make your own work any less. Anyways, just some things to think about!

And on to this week's 15 under 15 feature, which promotes 15 exceptional and inspiring deviations with under 15 favorites!

leaving hell by beyondimpressionDSC 7715 by KallyUa

Twins by DS-sanchezShades of Green by EmilySotoIsland by paweladamiecNadya and Irises by RavenaJulylustful hands by NekludovaMadeleine by MikeMonaghanPhotoHenning 4 by Bernhardinablind 3 by alice-strawnevenings by the river by justashadowleftRyo in the Bluebells by AlRocksUrSocksApple princess II by Swan-Lake

Previous 15 Under 15 Features

15 Under 15 FeatureFirst, I keep forgetting to link you all to an interview I did for a local business about my photography. It's not terribly exciting (because I'm not terribly exciting), but you can read it here: http://blog.thegoldmined.com/ashley-holloway/ Second, don't forget to send me suggestions for fashion portrait and commercial fashion DD's! Suggest a favorite artist, your friend, and even yourself! Your suggestions are highly appreciated! :heart: Third, tomorrow will be the day I submit some non-people photos.  Prepare for the apocalypse, or something like that. They're of some abandoned buildings I explored in California a couple of years ago. ... 15 Under 15 Feature 2I think I'm going to make this my new continuous series for features, what do you think? I used to do under 50 favorites, but I think I like this challenge even better!  I am regularly checking the browse section to see what's new and I find so many new and amazing artists that way! These 15 deviations are all under 15 favorites!Go give them some love :heart: :love: :heart:Previous 15 Under 15 Features ------------------------------------------ 15 Under 15 Feature 1 15 Under 15 Feature 3I am excited to present another 15 under 15 feature, in which I feature 15 outstanding deviations that currently have under 15 favorites! I was going to wait another week or so, but oh my goodness, just look at these!!! Totally marvelous, I couldn't wait to share :aww:Enjoy! Previous 15 Under 15 Features --------------------------------------

Skin by Dan Leveille
© 2015 - 2025 Queen-Kitty
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Julie-De-Moura's avatar
Hi Kitty. Thanks a lot for featuring one of my photos ! Really appreciated, let's share the love :)