15 Under 15 Feature 39

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
It's Thursday and I have basically been playing Pokemon Go ever since it was released last night, I LOVE that you can see them out in the real world .  I went for a walk today after work and seeing a little Poliwag out in the forest and a Pidgey on the side of the road basically made my day. Every time I catch a new one, I am on my feet doing a little dance in excitement (it has really brought out the 10-year-old in me). I have been really stressed out about some of the stuff going on in the real world, and this is a nice escape from that. If you're playing, which Pokemon are your favorites that you've caught so far? My favorites are a Pidgeotto (it's always been a favorite of mine), a sweet little Paras, some super cute Eevees that I'm hoping to evolve! :D I saw a Vulpix on my nearby radar, so I'm definitely hoping I'll find one, as they're totally my favorite! I think this might all explain why 15 under 15 is a bit late today :giggle:

 15 Under 15

15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.

Plants and their visitors by Last-Valentine
CHERIE 1 by AC-Dyer
Fox love by AshiMonster

me by MikiLavi
Nire IV by chileck2003
Usagi by axy93

kanai asok by styvopCat by inspired-impressions
Gea by xxbone
Untitled by Hutsku10969

15 Under 15 Features

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Hutsku10969's avatar
Thank you so much for the feature! Huggle! Heart