15 Under 15 Feature 37

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
Another week has gone by and it was a rather busy one for me! I've been very focused on planting in my garden.  Over the weekend, my mom and I scoured the local Walmart and Lowes for plants in their clearance bins so I could affordably fill in the rest of the area.  My dream is to have an English style garden filled with dainty flowers covering the area.  Most gardens in Florida are filled with tons of mulch and plants that look more tropical than fanciful, so it has been a challenge.  I can't wait to see my new garden grow and fill its space.  One of my favorites that I planted a few weeks ago is an American Wisteria (not aggressively invasive like the normal wisteria vines) that I planted on the side of an archway.  We had a lot of rain about a week ago, and I'm loving seeing the wisteria already wrapping its tendrils around the archway poles. My Salvia plants are also quite happy and becoming huge! I'm always surprised at the plants that can survive Florida heat so well even when the sun is blazing or they're being attacked by torrential downpours every day for a week. Not surprisingly, a few plants didn't surprise those downpours, I'm hoping they'll bounce back but I don't think it's going to happen! Also if you're interested in using Lightroom to edit photos, be sure to check out my projecteducate article for photography week: Lightroom Tips and TricksPhotography WeekToday I'll be showing you some tips and tricks for Lightroom 5 that I've come to use often over the past few years of using the program.  Even though I'm using Lightroom 5, these tips and tricks might still be helpful for you in past versions of the program as well as newer versions (the modules and buttons will likely be switched around a bit though). I am mostly a portrait photographer, but these tips and tricks can easily be adapted and used with any subject your lens captures.  I prefer using RAW formatted files in Lightroom for the best quality. Color Toning No matter what you refer to it as: color toning, color grad...!  Anyways, not much else to update you all on, so let's get to this week's 15 under 15 feature!

 15 Under 15

15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.

The Fox by B0NDARTAngels by PandatoExl Lena by sonya8bergjackalopes in circle by freedragonfly1diamondintheruff by Tabetha-SiouxSilence by inspired-impressionslight by beniceordieAlisa by Anhen

15 Under 15 Features

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Tabetha-Sioux's avatar
Thank you for adding me!!! <3 <3 <3