15 Under 15 Feature 34

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 15 Under 15

15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.

Washed Ashore by Emackelder
My stars by Last-ValentineBorn wild by Julieoftheworldtree- by nairafee

Room 210 by Poromaa
My wedding bouquet_02 by KLutskayaLina by silkephoto
Into the sea by vaihkonen
Untitled by IrinaJoanne
Salad by FiorOf
Green by dammmmitSafari Dream 1 by AC-Dyer2016-149 I photograph this tree with each camera by pearwoodlittle sister by Ddenisee
The Beetle - Print by pica-ae

15 Under 15 Features

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Thank you very much!