15 Under 15 Feature 3

8 min read

Deviation Actions

Queen-Kitty's avatar

I am excited to present another 15 under 15 feature, in which I feature 15 outstanding deviations that currently have under 15 favorites! I was going to wait another week or so, but oh my goodness, just look at these!!! Totally marvelous, I couldn't wait to share :aww:


 Shae by MikeMonaghanPhoto
Zlata #2 by antonjhonsen
Cinder, Inspiration to Move Forward by BrookeJudaBlack White And Spiky by Dave2712tender by musiquelle
[Akvile] by wdxZlata by antonjhonsenUntitled by KallyUaUntitled by KallyUacaring about by SajuliOximoron by yolandagarciafotoeasy II by Ceecore
Natalia by wilczyaniol

Previous 15 Under 15 Features

15 Under 15 FeatureFirst, I keep forgetting to link you all to an interview I did for a local business about my photography. It's not terribly exciting (because I'm not terribly exciting), but you can read it here: http://blog.thegoldmined.com/ashley-holloway/ Second, don't forget to send me suggestions for fashion portrait and commercial fashion DD's! Suggest a favorite artist, your friend, and even yourself! Your suggestions are highly appreciated! :heart: Third, tomorrow will be the day I submit some non-people photos.  Prepare for the apocalypse, or something like that. They're of some abandoned buildings I explored in California a couple of years ago. ... 15 Under 15 Feature 2I think I'm going to make this my new continuous series for features, what do you think? I used to do under 50 favorites, but I think I like this challenge even better!  I am regularly checking the browse section to see what's new and I find so many new and amazing artists that way! These 15 deviations are all under 15 favorites!Go give them some love :heart: :love: :heart:Previous 15 Under 15 Features ------------------------------------------ 15 Under 15 Feature 1

Skin by Dan Leveille
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Observer14's avatar
beautiful collection here.  I've left comments on a few.