15 Under 15 Feature 26

8 min read

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Queen-Kitty's avatar

It's Thursday once again, and a new weekend will soon be upon us! If you go through the time change like we do, I'm sure that you're also very happy that it stays light for later in the evening now.  It has made me so much more motivated to do things once I get home from work! I'm able to go outside and work in my yard, which I wasn't able to do except for on the weekends anymore, and I'm able to go outside and go read and listen to the birds sing in my backyard.  It's really relaxing and just the kind of stress relief I've been craving! I also wanted to tell you about fashion and commercial photography week that will be starting in projecteducate April 4th!  It will be filled with lots of informative and interesting articles from and about DeviantArt members that work on commercial and fashion photographs! I'll be co-hosting it with isthisthingstillon and it's definitely not something to be missed, I think you'll really enjoy it! Just watch the group and you'll get 1-2 articles per day in your message center.

Without further ado, let's check out 15 amazing deviations with under 15 favorites! :la:

C by MargotMi
In the dark of the broken mind by NateKaranlit
Legs by AurimasValeviciusThe Forgotten Soul by Efa-Aiefa
Flowers by PaulAnditon
Renaissance by PaulAnditon
Blood by sparkbearer
DISCO Style by RavenaJuly
Fire by SaraLinnColor experiment by Camille-MarieLolita by aleksandraChamomile brooch by freedragonfly

Yak by pretendpsychiatrist

Skin by Dan Leveille
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Ou-ren's avatar
Thank you for hosting the 15 under 15 feature. I'm finding a lot of new artists I like :)