Hey y'all! Another Tuesday has graced us with its presence, and that means another 15 under 15 feature! Before I get to the feature, I wanted to write a quick update on life and some current happenings! Late last week, I was asked to join
devPREMIUM as a reviewer (I have excellent taste in art, in case you didn't know

), but even more excitingly I've been asked to be in charge of their people & portrait spotlight features! We have one small problem though, the spotlight is posted on Tuesdays and so is 15 under 15 D: To make it work, I'll be moving 15 under 15 to a different day of the week, probably Thursday! You should be on a lookout for that starting next week.

In other news, I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day with your loved one(s) or by yourself! I had a particularly nice one with my best friend who's also single. We had amazing eggplant and ricotta pizza with melty chocolate dipped strawberries and moscato wine and we finished off the evening with some Breaking Bad. Really, it couldn't have been better! Last but not least, I'm working on creating the garage studio of my dreams! Deciding on just the right equipment and storage units is awfully hard though! I'm trying to decide on a system to store my canvas backdrops in a hanging position. Kind of like a curtain, but basically so I can just spread out the backdrop I'll be using without having to put it up and take it down every time. But it also needs to be able to go up and down depending on the length of the canvas or muslin, that's going to take some thinking!