15 Under 15 Feature 19

5 min read

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
This was the most difficult week of 15 under 15 yet!  I started out with 25 outstanding deviations and had to work all of the way down to 15, which was very hard when they were all so good! I hope you enjoy this week's feature, go give them love! :heart:

Katya by KatyaWarped
hat by minutissimis
Carlee by silkephoto

Sisters II by DmajicPhotography
The Spot II by hellonata
An Alice Story: Tiny Alice by 0kmidnight

Attitude by louisaviolet
tree dreams by zardin-secret

Beauty and horse #2 by fiorka
Queen part 1 by brendajovel2013

I can't believe that next week we'll be at #20, time flies!

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