15 Under 15 Feature 14

5 min read

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
It's only Tuesday but it's already been quite a busy week! I'm finally finished with my Christmas shopping, and I've gotten 98% of my Christmas cards written out! Heck, I even wrapped nearly all of the presents last night, I've been a busy bee...a really tired busy bee, I can't wait to go to sleep! I've been feeling really creative lately (well, when I'm not exhausted), and I've definitely been taking advantage of that! I did a pretty cool photoshoot on Saturday, and I cannot wait for 2016 to start so I can plan some new things!

Here is this week's edition of 15 Under 15! :heart: I hope you enjoy!

Alinoe by stalaein my garden ... by paweladamiec
Neglect by vi0letdreamer

moth by nn3-space
porcelain by AnnaLuthien

1 by kakaoconad
Violetta B., In studio with natural light by sergeyspiric

DSC4636 kopie by themarast

Limitation by WatashiwaKOdesuDark Romanticisms: A moment alone by 0kmidnight
First Class by jbfort

15 Under 15 Features

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hosagu's avatar

More and more: i do love more and more your beautifully curated features :heart: