15 Under 15 Feature 11

5 min read

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
Welcome to another week of 15 Under 15  :D Putting together this feature is one of my favorite things to do every week, so I'm extra happy that so many of you have told me that you really enjoy it as well! This week's included deviations are really beautiful, and I hope you'll enjoy them! :aww:

Norwegian Beauty 2 by My-Mona-LisaBeautiful souls by HogaboPhotography

Bad Influence by SaraLinn

A17 by kakaoconadNarwhal by pretendpsychiatristmodel: Luna Leung by Agnes-Fox

...Nunu Comp... by ManujelPrlic
Autumn witch by LunaraniaIsis
Lena by jeromeelizaga
Lost in the woods-3 by stereo-B

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