15 Under 15 Feature 10

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
This week's 15 under 15 is nearly all female fashion portraits :D There are some wonderfully talented fashion photographers on DA, and I hope you enjoy today's selections!  I'm really pleased that today is the 10th straight week of 15 Under 15! :heart:

fall by ozlemcengiz
Steampunk by ksushiksChrysalis by MarekWurflChasing Dreams XII by carolinedemonCeleste by XiaoLin94
Hotel by realsheva

No Twins II by Bernhardina
Autumn Waltz by TanjaMossDried flowers by youth-youthM. by juice-teenNatalia III by Barbarella91spring flying by LunaraniaIsis
Vintage: Postcards in black and white II by 0kmidnight

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ksushiks's avatar
Many thanks! :happybounce: