9 min read

Deviation Actions

Queen-Kitty's avatar
So guys, my town got lucky with the hurricane path! Shortly after I wrote last week's journal, the projected path of Hurricane Irma was shifting its path and hitting Tampa as a 3 or possibly even a 4 as it rode up the coast.  I was FREAKING out, I left my house to go to my grandparents' house with the rest of my family, and I basically said goodbye to it.  I didn't know what was going to happen, but I was terrified that my house wouldn't be there when I got home.  The storm defied the models and battered South Florida.  People lost homes and their lives :( It's so incredibly sad to see places you know and love be destroyed.  One of the weird bright spots was seeing that Ernest Hemingway's house survived safely (I believe a total of 10 people were staffing it and taking care of over 50 of the famous polydactyl cats that live there).  The thick keystone walls and higher elevation kept them safe.  When all was said and done, Irma hit us as a category 2, which was much milder than predicted, but still caused devastating effects.  Trees ripped out of the ground, limbs were torn off, and neighborhoods flooded. Many people's homes were damaged, in fact, I just got a call today at work from a man who had an enormous tree fall on his home. My family somehow got lucky and never lost power, but most of Florida did (3-4 days without air conditioning in Florida is no joke).  It was realllly good we didn't lose power at my grandparents' house because they have a room in their house that's lower than the rest, and it started leaking water during the storm.  We thankfully had electricity to pump it out from the outside and then to shopvac it up from the inside. It would have been a huge mess otherwise. We did lose power at work (do you know how hard it is to stay awake and actually be productive in a building that's dark and 95 degrees?), but finally got it back on Thursday.  It's truly hard to complain about anything without feeling guilty though, I feel so thankful that the people I know and love made it through safely. The fear was absolutely palpable, you could feel it in the air and yet we still survived. I have some anxiety issues that tend to be about completely imaginary circumstances and one of my best friends told me, we're going to use this as a reminder that "if I held it together through Irma I got this." I thought that was a fitting thing to say.  Anyways, just wanted to update with that since I've gotten a few messages asking if we made it through ok. My house did perfectly fine, despite being surrounded by trees (tons of debris everywhere), but I did lose one enormous pine tree that thankfully got caught in the branches of another tree. If it hadn't gotten caught, my next door neighbor's house was right in its path. Scary stuff, indeed. 

Onward to the ART!

 15 Under 15

15 Under 15 is a weekly feature by Queen-Kitty showcasing 15 wonderful but under-appreciated works of art with under 15 favorites. 15 under 15 doesn't focus on medium or theme, it is simply a showcasing of favorited art of interest from the week.

Wasteland by Dapictureremains by PsycheAnamnesisMother Earth by curcabeataTereza 1. by xxboneRETROWAVE by GretheFenyxPurple Puppet by stfairylandSweden by siahposhPaia by maivabSwarm of butterflies by Wonder-foxBlackcat by Camille-MarieThe colorist III by yolandagarciafotolive forever. by ilmari-nenOttawa 1 by PatriceChesse

Also...this is absolutely not under 15, but I need this to happen. Although whenever I express my love for characters, they usually kill them off...oops.
  Brienne and Tormund by SandraWinther

15 Under 15 Features

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siahposh's avatar
I`m so Glad that you & your beloved people are doing fine,followed the news and i was damn worry about my friends in there but thanks god they`re all safe & doing fine! :heart: