I cannot stand this heatquark777 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/quark777/art/I-cannot-stand-this-heat-2209694quark777

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quark777's avatar

I cannot stand this heat



Drawn for the contest at The contest was to draw Kanchi, but I have this little obsession with Mamimi, so I drew the together all romantical like...even though that never happened in the show. Shh.
This was my first time drawing mecha, and Kanchi was a LOT of fun to draw. His colouring doesn't look as good as Mamimi's though. Oh yes, and big thanks go to for help with the colouring. Also, thank you to the people that I whined and moaned to. You know who you are.
The image title is from the song Subhuman by the Pillows
Mamimi and Kanchi are property of Gainax

Oh yeah, according to Nobu "You went totally fucking out of whack when coloring that thing. In the description, you just mentioned you maybe whined a bit" To that I say...SHH! Don't TELL
Image size
774x613px 106.42 KB
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123musicmonkey's avatar
FOOOOOOLLLYYY COOOOOOLLLYYY ! as a life long fan I say EPIC!!!