My Pretty MausoleumQuantumSuz on DeviantArt

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QuantumSuz's avatar

My Pretty Mausoleum



I sit in the field alone
Hear charged midnight; something is live here
Buzzing of cables and gathering flies
Far away dusk city neon
May fleetingly catch the
Still glimmering eye of a stalagtite body

In the streets of your want
We bury the gone; we hide the fear
I watch them tread amongst starving crows
But at home in my pretty mausoleum
I asked them to hang
The corpses from electricity pylons

Watch the dead twist, shadows of
Figures no longer earthed; no longer shocked
Perfection acheived as evil drains down
Why turn away from such beauty?
Suspended. Animation only from a
Humid breeze flaps occasional skin.

Let the rot drip upon me
I feel so full, mad, intrigued
My fingers in marrowbone cavity
Rain decay infiltrate
My mind dissolves

Now only the dead can satisfy me


The piece symbolises the fact that it is possible to become something beautiful by feeding upon the ugliness around you. However, your world will forever be built upon and shaped by that which is only death and decay.

This didn't take very long to paint, maybe 6-7 hours....
Needs some more work (as usual) but I'm submitting it anyway, I'll update it if I do any more :)

Image size
700x900px 368.66 KB
© 2008 - 2025 QuantumSuz
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pagan-live-style's avatar
This fine deviation is featured in my journal of this week !!! see >> [link] <<

greetz lenZ