Shellie v7.0 Feet Edition: Work in ProgressQuantumHMC on DeviantArt

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Shellie v7.0 Feet Edition: Work in Progress


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Character  Shellie Linden


Authors Note:

This is a new version of Shellie I had been tinkering with for several months and incorporates new improvements, most noticeably the feet detailing (A byproduct of my recent experimentation with the Bobcats characters) and a newly sculpted LLC where the plaster has finer details. It's not done yet (face still needs some adjustment) but the feet are in a good shape for this post, as you can see if zoomed in. The existing version, although working perfectly fine in most cases, tended to have limitations with closeups and certain facial expressions which I had hoped to rectify.

The most difficult part of the feet was getting the natural nail surfacing to look right: Opaque nail polish is easy to achieve but the translucent nature of unpolished nails proved challenging.

I'm debating whether or not to implement these new improvements into other characters as it is rather time consuming but the benefits to closeup details is compelling...
Image size
2800x1440px 1.21 MB
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zwn3x's avatar

Amazing texture, I sure u spent much time to do this

Im curious if u would consider released her?or the foot model?I will pay for her!