Mechelen - grootbrugQronicle on DeviantArt

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Mechelen - grootbrug



A rather gray representation of the "greatbridge" (or highbridge as you wish) at Mechelen (Still my hometown).

It's the last "commission" for my grandmother, and it includes the most difficult things to draw [for me being: realistic water, trees, straight lines and perspectural repeat (I don't know how to explain the last one in proper English, sorry =p)].
It just got finished, about 7 hours before the deadline.

It looked pretty good without the trees, but I couldn't just leave that space white, so this is how it turned out. Hope you'll like it.
Image size
898x623px 433.88 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Qronicle
anonymous's avatar
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Pourbus's avatar
This is such a beautiful drawing of one of my favorite places in the world! two thumbs up!