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What happens when the dam starts to break? All that pressure that you’ve built up over the years, will you be lucky and have it trickle out slowly, or will it be one giant burst? Can you control the damage that happens from the flood, or will you simply wade in the woes you’ve neglected to confront?
I am SO excited to finally finish the 8th image in my /men/tal series! It’s been a long one coming, and I am thankful to my buddy for his patience/modeling! And remember, if you resonate with this image, TALK! Someone will listen, I promise!!!
"i the mighty", made for day 23 for #creativejuly2024
EDIT: Thank you SO SO SO much for the DD! Let's try to continue this conversation and bring awareness to this heavy issue!
This is just fantastic. Congrats for your well deserved DD!
Thank you for sharing your talent and experience with dA Community!!!