Away on Cloud Nine (Utahraptor TF)
2nd person, semi-willing, feral.
You had a problem. Not a very serious problem like gambling or addiction, but more of a mild inconvenience.
It happened whenever you read a book. If you didn’t like it, you just put it down and forgot about it. But if you did happen to like it…oh boy. You got so absorbed by the story you couldn’t put it down. It felt as if you were the characters, going through all these adventures despite the fact you were essentially just staring at ink on the remains of a dead tree. The last time this happened was hilarious; you were reading The Martian and started planning your own potato farm! But much more convenient, cause you could actually place them outside and not have to ration water.
But here was one completely new to you: Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker. An oldie but a goodie, written all the way back in 1995. Lots of new stuff has come out about dinosaurs since then, so you wondered what was in there that would make a modern palaeontology