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A little update
Hey guys~ Wow, long time no see... I wish I had really good news and life is awesome, but my luck hasn't really been great haha...
So...I have stage 4 Fibrosis Sarcoma cancer.....Doctor says I have about a year, year and a half left, so.. ...I'm not really sure what to say tbh. I've been cracking jokes on twitter but, well, tbh I'm pretty stressed haha... though, I'm already pretty nihilistic so I really just need to get over my mortality haha...easier said than done tho xD. Uhh....well, I guess I don't have to worry about recycling anymore, my emission's about to get cut real short lmao. Still gotta crack jokes or it's just sad man lol
that's all I have to say right now. I appreciate all the support on twitter and people becoming my patron is just so sweet, thank you guys so much. I apologize my condition might only get worse before it gets better though, I still have a lot of pain problems right now actually...i think that's the worst part of this though, is the pain. god. I'm so
Deviousness Award~!
Uwahh, thank you for the deviousness award! now i feel like a super senior! hahaha i'm kidding XD~
yay~! :D
Watcher Subscription Giveaway [closed]
Update: Happy New YEaR~!
Thank you everyone for commenting your awesome parts of last year, and best of luck in the coming new year~ Thank you guys for sticking with me still :)
I'll be giving these automatically in a minute. So sorry if you didn't win ;__; ~ I wish i had more to give @__@;;~ thank you guys again~!
update to remind followers who may not have seen this :3~
I'm reading through all the comments and there are a lot of positivity here, yay :D
So....I haven't been here in foreverrr hahaha~ I finally caught dA during the holidays xD~ though I haven't done this in
Got a Facebook and a new Youtube
Hi guys :D.
I figured I'll just post all my social media on here today :). I'll be super happy if you guys follow any one of them that's easiest for you :D. dA's still my oldest one, so thank you guys so much for all the support over all the years :hug:
I've started recording timelapses, and a lot of people have asked for youtube videos on Instagram and it gives pretty great resolutions too, so I've started uploading there :). I also finally started a facebook. My second try cause after I created the first one last year, I started doubting I was good enough to have one so I deleted it. haha i regret it
© 2012 - 2024 Qinni
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