Skull and Pelvis StudyQinni on DeviantArt

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Skull and Pelvis Study



anatomy lesson one: Studies of the Skull and Pelvis.
(dA should have an anatomy section for the catagories D: . no idea where to put this v_v~)

seriously kids, you should know this stuff xD; especially the pelvis -_-;~ i'm still having trouble placing the protruding bone of pelvis in life-drawing sometimes...D:

anyways, for life-drawing class. no idea what mark i'd get, but bahh, i hate getting marks D:~~

took around three hours to draw each study/view with 2B, 4B and 6B graphite pencils. i actually did the vertabrates and scapula views too, but...uh...i don't like them as much as i do this, since they only took 30min per views xDD;;;

study your bone structures when drawing humans, kids~! xDD lol, something i should say to myself ;_;~~..... lol, still have lots of homework, but currently procrastinating D:~~ to hell with perspective homeworkkk!!! x_x;;

ps. yes, you can use this as a reference lol~~ this is why i put this in that section <3~~ use it to your heart's content <3~~

Edit: whoot, i got a good mark on this <3 xD
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KaaBoa's avatar
Anoyingly complex yet necessary stuff to learn. Respect