SenshiQinni on DeviantArt

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Sērā Mūn~!

美少女戦士~~ 好久没看了。。。

I used to be such a big fan of Sailor Moon (not the dubbed though....). Actually, a year or two ago I watched all 200 eps over again O_<; Can't do that anymore....I think the only good animation it had was the transformations lol.

Anyways, started doodling these in layout class when we were watching a film that basically had people staring off at each other in the distance :lol:. It's funny how much I remembered the costumes and stuff of the characters I liked xDD...

My fav ones are actually the outer senshis......>.>;; I may or may not draw more....;;;

edit: hey, I just realized...the colour of teh rainbow...sort of xDD;;

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