Hand Tutorial -Tips+Reference-Qinni on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/qinni/art/Hand-Tutorial-Tips-Reference-187433101Qinni

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Hand Tutorial -Tips+Reference-

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Notes: I suggest drawing all the hands here (just for practice)....and see if you guys improve or not =D;;. I feel like I improved just by compiling all these drawings xD.

Oh, and on another note, never try to hide the hands when drawing a picture. After all, forcing yourself to draw them on a body is the best way to practice ^^.

Finally, never be afraid to use references. Use your own hands if you must (unless your hands are like mine...fat and chubby and generally unappealing), or take a picture of someone's hand. Imagination and memory can only take the technical side of drawing to a certain point until you have drawing enough to master it.

Sorry, it's a bit big. These hands were compiled in a week's time through observing people and drawing hands in life-drawing :D. The shading's really rough, but hopefully it shows a bit more structure and how to shade the hand =)

Also, I'm not a professional (yet xD;; ), so there still may be mistakes in my drawing. but I tried my best ^^.

People has been asking me for a tutorial and I've been meaning to do one for...the longest time, ever.
I know there are a lot of hand tutorials out there, but since it's my favourite body part to draw, I though, "why not?". I personally can't get enough of looking at different tutorials on doing stuff, so....yah =P.

I hope it's helpful even a little. The references at the bottom are for everyone to look at and, well, reference, if need be.

Tutorial #2

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Excellent hand study Quinni!