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255 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Night Light - short film by Qinni, film

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
  • Mar 20
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 16 years
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Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (32)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (13)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (4)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (30)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (12)
My Bio

Patreon | Tumblr | Facebook | Instagram| Youtube

For serious work-related emails only, contact me at qing.han@sheridanc.on.ca

Permission to use my artwork?

Please do NOT use my art for commercial purposes

Please put a link back to me and credit me properly if you're going to use my art for personal purposes (websites, etc).

There's no need to note me for the above

I am NOT taking any commissions at the moment, sorry.

Thanks for looking

Favourite Visual Artist
Jo Chen, Adam Hughes, Isao Takahata, and...a lot more I don't remember the name of D:.
Favourite Movies
Whispers of the Heart...but most Ghibli films will make me happy :)
Favourite Books
One Piece!! and HunterXHunter!! <3<3
Favourite Games
Portal 2

A little update

0 min read
Hey guys~ Wow, long time no see... I wish I had really good news and life is awesome, but my luck hasn't really been great haha... So...I have stage 4 Fibrosis Sarcoma cancer.....Doctor says I have about a year, year and a half left, so.. ...I'm not really sure what to say tbh. I've been cracking jokes on twitter but, well, tbh I'm pretty stressed haha... though, I'm already pretty nihilistic so I really just need to get over my mortality haha...easier said than done tho xD. Uhh....well, I guess I don't have to worry about recycling anymore, my emission's about to get cut real short lmao. Still gotta crack jokes or it's just sad man lol that's all I have to say right now. I appreciate all the support on twitter and people becoming my patron is just so sweet, thank you guys so much. I apologize my condition might only get worse before it gets better though, I still have a lot of pain problems right now actually...i think that's the worst part of this though, is the pain. god. I'm so
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Uwahh, thank you for the deviousness award! now i feel like a super senior! hahaha i'm kidding XD~ yay~! :D
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Update: Happy New YEaR~! Thank you everyone for commenting your awesome parts of last year, and best of luck in the coming new year~ Thank you guys for sticking with me still :) I'll be giving these automatically in a minute. So sorry if you didn't win ;__; ~ I wish i had more to give @__@;;~ thank you guys again~! :heart: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ update to remind followers who may not have seen this :3~ I'm reading through all the comments and there are a lot of positivity here, yay :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So....I haven't been here in foreverrr hahaha~ I finally caught dA during the holidays xD~ though I haven't done this in
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Deviousness Award

Qinni is a deviant who strives to not only to better herself, but also the artists around her. In her nine years as a member of DeviantArt, she’s made an impact on a variety of communities—from digital and traditional, to animation. While her artwork is always spectacular, what makes Qinni such a valuable member of the community is her dedication to helping her fellow deviants grow by sharing tutorials and videos of her artistic process. In addition, Qinni has used her free time to share art features, bringing new eyes to her watchers’ artwork. Qinni’s kind soul, helpful tutorials, and open dialogue with her fans are what make her the ideal recipient for the February 2017 Deviousness Award.
Awarded Feb 2017

Profile Comments 9.4K

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rest in peace qinni you will always rest deep in the souls of your fellow artists

i can't fucking believe there's people that would dig up her grave and steal her art just to make money as NFTs, this is just sickening & shamelessly greedful...

Yeah..Poor her. Worst of all, she passed away

Whenever I hit a block of inspiration, I tend to come to your page and look at all the beautiful art you've left behind. It will continue to uphold that beautiful legacy you have left us with, Qinni. 💜

She may be dead, but her memory will live on. Never forget the greatest artist of our time.