Dream of SaturnQAuZ on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/qauz/art/Dream-of-Saturn-259783496QAuZ

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Dream of Saturn



Decided to make Saturn because I was inspired by [link]

Hey guys! I didn't make landscape from a while and now here's a new one! I also didn't make a planet ring from a while and I had to practice a little on making one and also the planet (I was making and removing ) Anyway, I made it in 3 days and I really hope you like it XD

I used

[link] [link] [link]

:bulletblue:Original resolution=4000×2500
:bulletblue:download for:


EDIT: I saw some people made terraspace and Saturn like planet in the background with the same position of this one and I hope they credit me someday!
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