
Fic: Rainbow Feather + Detective Pinkie

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"You may have figured out my eee-vil plan to commit crime with your brilliant detective skills, Detective Pinkie, but you'll never catch me once I run down this alley!" the evil criminal pony declared!

"Ah ha, but I detected you would do that and arranged to have a griffon waiting!"


And then Rainbow Feather pounced on him from above and totally captured him with her awesome fighting skills.

"I got him!" the young griffon declared!

"Nice work, partner!" Detective Pinkie said.

"Curse you Detective Pinkie and Rainbow Feather!" the evil criminal pony shook his hoof as he was dragged off to prison.
The one of Rainbow Feather's self-written fics that is a crime story!

This time, she teams up with the most amazing of detectives, Detective Pinkie! (Tumblr link)

Rainbow Feather, OC daughter of Rainbow Feather, is from <a href="[link]>Rainbow Feather replies

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and Pinkie Pie belong to Hasbro
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