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Belldandy, the Crystal Maiden



Rewatched Ah! My Goddess and forgot how much I loved Belldandy. 

Also never drew any Dota 2 fan art, my favorite game. So killing two birds with one stone. Also, I reached 6K MMR, so I got that going for me.

Edit: Decided to go with the original eyes. I edited them later because Belldandy does not have big eyes, but I don't like the way that edit looks. So going with the original. I'll figures out drawing her eyes in subsequent drawings whenever.
Image size
2216x2000px 1.72 MB
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Yes you are right, OMG is the all time longest lasting Manga, 25+ years and 48 volumes.  I believe it was instramental  world wide expansion of Anime.  Never understood why there was no season 3,