Texture: Tubes and wiresPyrosaint-Stox on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pyrosaint-stox/art/Texture-Tubes-and-wires-80482445Pyrosaint-Stox

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Pyrosaint-Stox's avatar

Texture: Tubes and wires



Taken around 6 months ago.... At the museum of flight.... part of a jet engine {or some kind of airplane engine...}, thought it would make for great texture or such

for full size, download {2576x1932}


Rules Are Simple:

:bulletgreen:let me know you used it and I'll :+fav: it and add a link in description
:bulletblue:give me credit, put a link to me or this pg in the description of picture it was used in
:bulletpurple:keep it tasteful! No vulgar, porn, hateful, etc
:bulletred: you have permission to use in prints
:bulletpurple:Don't steal it! And don't just change the colour or whatever, I would like to see creativity...anyone who has a photo editing program can change the colour!

^-^ Thanx! :hug:



:iconartchunk:*artchunk Lisa 3000 [link]

:icondavy-filth:~davy-filth Surreal Girl [link]

:iconmaureenolder:=MaureenOlder The Harvesters Guardian [link]
Image size
2576x1932px 1.09 MB
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PepiCzech's avatar

Thank you for absolutly awesome stock. I used it here:
