Why is she CryingPyramidHeadxXx on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pyramidheadxxx/art/Why-is-she-Crying-79865074PyramidHeadxXx

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PyramidHeadxXx's avatar

Why is she Crying



"Why is she crying?"

Yet another quick drawing I've made ^^ This time it's not a part of the previous three-parted series. It was a random thought that came on my mind last night while I listened to some depressive black metal (Coldworld, Drudkh etc.).

This is the first part of the two other quick drawings I've made:
#2 "Every Rose Has Its Thorns" :pointr: :star: [link] :star:
#3 "Tears of the Unspoken" :pointr: :star: [link] :star:

You are free to interpretate the question, "why is she crying?", the way you want :D Please tell me what you can see/feel through this drawing ^^

Materials used:
- Pencil (0.5)
- Graphite pencils (4H, F, 3B & 4B)

Time spend:
- 4½ hours

I hope you'll like it :please: ^^;
Image size
967x1554px 1.13 MB
HP Scanjet 3970
Date Taken
Mar 13, 2008, 2:17:46 AM
© 2008 - 2025 PyramidHeadxXx
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xburgandy-disasterx's avatar
Thats beautiful =] the way her eye is pointing feels to me that she's remembering something or someone that she misses