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Hype badge, anyone?
I am getting used to all these new features (new to me ..heh) and the Hype Badge sounds rather cool, yeah?
Comment with a deviation you think needs some hype.. your own or another deviant is cool.
I'm looking to give out 3.. if this is er.. legal which i think it is, right? lol >_>
ETA: All have been given.
Hi. Miss you.
I have really missed this place. Things have changed quite a lot for me, mostly for the better. That being said, I am hopefully I'll have more time to poke around here some.
I see pretty much everything has changed since my last visit, so this will be interesting to figure out. Took a moment to even find how to post this heh. I can freakin' search Notes.. but all searches find nothing..hmm.
Missing you all. No idea if anyone will even see this. haha Anyway. I am going to try to feature some art (man, I have so missed this) now.. please work..
...alrighty, that was an adventure. Laters
RIP Scooby-Doo
My dog of 16+ years parted from this world. I'm not coherent right now so this is my FB post: I hope that link works :(:thumb51120327: :thumb50688479:
Do you Facebook?
I have had FB for some time but never really using it. Now, I'm getting into the flow of it more. So If you wanna be friends there I am . :ahoy:
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