PurlyZig on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/purlyzig/art/Colorable-Snowflake-Brush-Set-80259742PurlyZig

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Colorable Snowflake Brush Set



Same snowflake set as before, but now it's colorable! Or one can chose what color the snowflakes will paint as.....

~mesilliac edited my brush pack, changing it to grayscale among other things, and sent me the updated brushes, giving me permission to post them here. I cleaned them up some more, and uploaded them here for your use.

Please comment if you use them, or favorite them so I know they are liked! And DO NOT redistribute as your own! ~mesilliac & I have worked hard on this pack! Credit in the artist's comments is a must!

Original: [link]
© 2008 - 2024 PurlyZig
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UnknownMessenger's avatar
Thank you for this set! It has been incredibly useful. It's so beautiful and natural :)