Psyunit - Preview OnlyPureAV on DeviantArt

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Psyunit - Preview Only



EDIT: Seems like a few people on the net have misunderstood the description below. This is NOT the new Xion default. I said that I have been asked to design the new default which I will release BEFORE this one. Just wanted to clear that up :)

This is my latest Xion media player skin. I've been working on it for a while and it's almost complete.

However...This won't be released until the next public build of Xion which has skinnable playlist and millions of other new features and updates. ALSO, I have been asked to create a new Xion default skin which I will release before this Psyunit.

So although it's nearly complete, it won't be released for quite a while yet. Still, thought I'd share it with you.

Peace, Lance
Image size
650x400px 108.63 KB
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Budme2's avatar

Hey nice thanks for the dl. looks awesome 👉🍻