PureAV on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pureav/art/Battlebay-40-148382521PureAV

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Battlebay 40



Update: The top insets and general curvature has been remade and improved along with various additional hightlights and shadows. Quite a lot of details were irritating me so I had to do something about it!


The original PSD of this was actually created 2 years ago. After hardly ever opening it, I figured I'd see how much I could improve on it and use it for the BB.

It's not entirely how I would have hoped, but there's only one day left for submissions and I don't have time to start anything from scratch.

So here it is, in all it's cheesey presentation glory, a PSD that sat collecting dust for nearly 1000 days finally has it's moment :)

Peace, Lance
Image size
600x760px 94.41 KB
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Liandrolisk's avatar
pretty good step :)