Pure-Poison89 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pure-poison89/art/The-creepy-tale-of-Slenderman-341060407Pure-Poison89

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Pure-Poison89's avatar

.: The creepy tale of Slenderman :.



I just wanted to try something different! =p

Also it's my entry for "The Dark Descent" contest, here [link]


EDiT : Well, since some of you told me that this doesn't look like the well known Slenderman. I want to explain a little more about my photomanip.

I have always wanted to see a movie of slenderman but like Pan's Labyrinth style/creepiness. Like, I don't want to see a typical horror movie, but I really would love to see a movie that touches the heart,soul and creeps me out, like some of the psychological horror in a fantasy way "movies" (example: Pan's Labyrinth). And this poster is how I imagined the movie would look like. Also, you may notice that the tall man behind the girl doesn't look like the slenderman, well yeah I did that in purpose because in my opinion, a cloak like the reaper is more creepier than a suit for a scary character. ;)


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Secretadmires's avatar
So scary scene,love it!:rose: