Punakettu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/punakettu/art/Clan-Ghost-Bear-Logo-97712372Punakettu

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Clan Ghost Bear Logo



Wanted to do something with vectors, so I decided to turn some Clan logos from the Battletech universe into vectors. I did add some effects that aren't exactly vectors (texture for example), but they aren't really a problem if I want to scale these up.

These were actually made a while ago and they've just been sitting in the depths of my hard drive.
Image size
800x800px 670.52 KB
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KuroTatsu's avatar
Ive tried to copy the Ghost Bear logo in Illustrator and I get frustrated because it isn't symmetrical (its slightly off) and when when I try to do it symmetrical, it doesn't look right