1281Pukzzi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pukzzi/art/1281-613611689Pukzzi

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Pukzzi's avatar




OMG that bloodline, so much inbreeding *sobs* I think this little one is going to be sterile!
It's my own fault, I didn't check the bloodline beforehand *sobs*

Ee aa nCr nSb nClt nHs
Phenotype: Smoky Black Sabino Clownfish Hornstripe

Breedingnote equusballator.deviantart.com/n…

Type: Plains

Rarity: 9
Smoky black +1 Sabino +1 Clownfish +2 Horn +5

------------------------------------------ SSS: B-554 (couldn't find a ref)
----------------- SS: B-694: Salix
------------------------------------------ SSD: F-079 LHR Spiritus Noctis
Sire: 156 Sufflavus Terrore
------------------------------------------ SDS: 159 - Puer Butio
----------------- SD: 676 Rore Mella
------------------------------------------ SDD: 857 Verecunda Corculi (STARTER)

------------------------------------------ DSS: Aesculatum Luridum (STARTER)

----------------- DS: B-444 Ars Amatoria
------------------------------------------ DSD: F-079 LHR Spiritus Noctis
Dam: 480 | Melekure Stables | Cultris et Caulas
------------------------------------------ DDS: F-101 Nox Aestivae Comparantibus (STARTER)
----------------- DD: B677 Ecce Vicit Leo De Mari [Temp. ref]
------------------------------------------ DDD: 396 Herpothamnus (STARTER)

SSSS: B305 Et miles sanguinum obscuri *TEMP REF* (STARTER)
SSSD: B-236 - Ros Coloris Corde

SSSDS: CMRA | F-126 Deditionem Cor Vestrum (STARTER)
SSSDD: 039 | Ros Fuco (STARTER)

SSDS: 011 | IHS Unum Agreste (STARTER)
SSDD: 037 | Talari SOLD (STARTER)

SDSS: ID B-328 Sonantis tonitrui temp ref (STARTER)
SDSD: 336 Latet Pulchritudo

SDSDS: 1082 Maculis a Deo
SDSDD: F-297 Pictis in Sanguine (STARTER)

SDSDSS: F-243 Prohibetur telum (STARTER)
SDSDSD: 1084 Tropicae Aurae

SDSDSDS: 021 | IHS Caetarius Pisces (STARTER)
SDSDSDD: F-139 Concordia

SDSDSDDD: 039 | Ros Fuco (STARTER)

DSDS: 011 | IHS Unum Agreste (STARTER)
DSDD: 037 | Talari SOLD (STARTER)
Image size
2126x1400px 869.54 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Pukzzi
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ToxicCreed's avatar
Oh goodness I am so sorry for that! I forgot how long of a Bloodline that Cultris had D8 But this is a gorgeous little one :heart: