puimun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/puimun/art/Descants-and-Cadences-597060406puimun

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Descants and Cadences



Update on 4/15: The kickstarter is live! You can now pre-order at: tinyurl.com/descantslaunch

Original post: In the works!  A new art book with all the scribblings and paint-markings that have kept me busy the past 4 years. Kickstarter will be launching on from April 14th - May 12th. For now, here's a sneak peek at what the book will have to offer, and also a mailing list signup for when preorders are ready to be taken:
Image size
1000x1000px 340.09 KB
© 2016 - 2024 puimun
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MariaEnzianiaKober's avatar
A beautiful overal composition - and an awesome painting on the left!
I love how very detailed and realistic this painting is. That's also true for other pictures of yours that I saw yet - they are very realistic, and beautiful! And very "rich".