ButtercupPuffyDearlySmith on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/puffydearlysmith/art/Buttercup-967867031PuffyDearlySmith

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Brand new 101 Dalmatians oc I made.

  Buttercup is the mate of Puffy's younger brother Ozzy. In contrast to his shyness she's very outgoing and a good conversationalist though some will say she has a tendency to talk on and on long after the other party has tuned out. She does encourage him to be more social though so far the results have been a bit mixed. She's also quite the glutton and in fact is proud of the fact that she can eat just as much as Puffy and Wally. Ironically her owner's a fitness instructor at a workout gym in town.

  Given her love of eating Buttercup is not surprisingly quite overweight. She's typically wears a blue collar with a special paw print tag on it that was a birthday present from Ozzy.

Buttercup and art belong to :iconpuffydearlysmith:<-That's me!
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3000x2359px 478.27 KB
© 2023 - 2025 PuffyDearlySmith
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