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The Perfect Storms PMD App



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Okay guys this is a collab team for :iconpmd-explorers: with my partner :iconchipthescraggy: who does the art and I will be writing and helping with dialogue. Also, I will be controlling Thunder while he will be doing the same for Lightning.
The Perfect Storm
Pikachu Rank
Thunder the Snolax- Male
Met prior to Mission 6
Bold, Good Perseverance
Flamethrower, Earthquake, Protect, Ice Punch,
Thunder doesn’t really remember much of his infant years, just a memory of his parents tossing him into the river that flows down MT. Bolero. After Lightning’s father found the child he and his wife decided to adopt it not having kids of their own. However, a year later Maple (Lightning’s mother) gave birth to twins. Thunder at that point named Pudgy, became quick friends with his ‘little siblings’ especially the boy Pachirsu Walnut.
The night Walnut was running away from home Pudgy followed his friend even if that meant losing some vital sleeping hours. He helped defeat a wild poochyena that was attacking his friend and the two of them decided to run away together all the way to Tao. They adopted the names Thunder (Pudgy the Snorlax) and Lighting (Walnut the Pachirisu)
Thunder is a lot less energetic than Lightning; he rather hang out quietly under a tree then to go meet some other rouges at the Spinda café. To new people Thunder comes off a little cold but will warm up to you after a substantial amount of time. Also he can get tired easily so Lightning must play his poke-flute whenever Thunder dozes off.
Met prior to Mission 6
Impish, Very Finicky
Discharge, Magnet Rise
Iron Tail, Super Fang
Lightning was born to a wealthy family of Pachirisu who lived in the trees of the windswept woods under the name of Walnut. His immediate family consisted of his parents Maple (I know there is already a stunky named Maple in the group) and Arbor as well as his twin sister Peanut, a shiny Pachirisu. Along side him was, his best friend Pudgy who was adopted by his family at a young age. He lived a pampered life, which allowed him to do whatever he wanted when he wanted to do it.
His parents only wanting the best for him made a deal with the Emolga Tribe, which stated that Walnut and the Emolga Princess Pecan would be betrothed to one another. Hating the Princess, Walnut quickly refused which left him to fight with his parents for a few months until he couldn’t take it. One night he decided to run away to be free from the vile Princess. However, while running Walnut got attacked by a disturbed Poochyena. The villain cornered him and just when fate seemed lost, Pudgy the Snorlax came out of nowhere to protect his friend. Walnut still fearing to return home decided that the two should go to Tao Village to start anew.
While traveling they came across the myth of Raikou the Titan of Storms. In awe of the legendary beast the two decided to create allies representing his power. Walnut changed his name to Lightning while Pudgy became Thunder.
Lightning is adventurous, brave and thrill seeking; however he is also impatient, naïve, and sometimes even a bit rude when tested. He loves to joke around with his Snorlax friend and others who will laugh with him. Like many electric Pokémon he is very finicky and doesn’t like to stay in one place; he is always charged up and ready to take things on headstrong. Not to mention he is a pretty manipulative Pokémon who likes to persuade others into thinking as he does.
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900x3291px 383.09 KB
© 2012 - 2024 pudgysnorlax121195
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YattaroSB's avatar
Not a cameo per se, but [link]
Sorry for taking so much time to notify