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[PokemonTownship] Trade Log V4



Please read the info below before trading!

If you are trading, you must post here to complete the trade so it can be logged!
Be sure to tell us who your trade partner is (tagging them is preferred) and what is being traded!
If trading art, the completed piece MUST be shown on the trade post. This is to avoid one person not doing their side of the trade. If trading Special and or Mutated Pokemon, you MUST link to the design of the special for your trade to be logged.

Your trade cannot be logged unless your partner replies to confirm the trade!
This includes pokemon, item, AND art trades!

***ALSO*** PLEASE NOTE: Once a trade is posted and both parties confirm it on the trade log, 
it can no longer be cancelled or revoked! Please make sure you want to trade before posting it to be logged!

Once your trade has been logged you will receive a comment from a mod confirming it!
Once that happens feel free to draw your new Pokemon, spend your PD, or use your new item!

Please reply here if a recent trade hasn't been responded to as well!

Important Update to Trading Rules:
As of April 1st, 2018, you may trade no more than 5 pieces of art per pokemon or item. We have implemented this in order to give new members a bit more of a guideline to go by when making trades and to balance the trading economy. If you would like to read more about this rule change and/or have any questions regarding it, please refer to this journal.

Important Update Regarding ARPG Rolls
From this point forward (April 14th) we will no longer be allowing people to ask for ARPG rolls in trades. They have caused a large problem for the economy of PTS and after trying various options they're still causing problems. Further explanation can be found on this journal.

:new:Important Update Regarding Trade Limits:new:
As of August 18th, 2018, all trade comments may have a maximum of 5 seperate trades. Any further trades must be split into an additional, seperate comment. 

You CAN trade:
- Pokemon
- Pokedollars
- Items
- Art
- Literature
- Pokemon Designs
- Adopts/Character Designs/Clothing Designs
- You can ask someone to buy something from the PD Store/ECT using PD

You CANNOT Trade:
- Real Life Money
- DeviantART Points
- Ask someone to buy something with real life money for you (example: Core)
- Advertising mixed commissions (example: Commissions offering PD or cash options)
- Pokemon for PD (You may trade them for art or items)
- PD as a gift (PD can only be traded for art or items)
- Any Pokemon or Item you are tentative/unsure about


Graphic Design by: katterboxes
Image size
400x356px 142.07 KB
© 2017 - 2024 PTS-Admin
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roachify's avatar

Trading my Wailmer and Darumaka for @Loriby s two pieces of art from here!