Current Residence: USA Favourite genre of music: Metal,(death,grind,black,doom), industrial, classical Favourite style of art: Dark, Surreal, conceptual Personal Quote: To die is also just another opening to pain's excitement!
This is my spare account to store some stuff I think might come of use for some of you.
"DO"s & "DO NOT"s with the stock
Please read, understand , and follow these few points:
1- My stock images are for unristricted use.
(commercial/noncommercial/da/non-da/prints/etc are all ok no need to ask)
2- Let me know when you use them with linking back to this account or the stock.
3- Do not use my stock in promotion of child abuse or ratial/relegious hate work.
(expressing blasphemous or skeptic concepts are fine, but no targetting any particular faith)
4- Be creative and enjoy your time.
I am open to commission work. Drop me a line if I can