Psychopulse on DeviantArt

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Psychopulse's avatar




I dedicate this theme to :iconinaise:

A Winterboard theme for iPhone.

Mirror for PC users: [link] ;)

Inside the package:

37 icons, 3 wallpapers, UIimages, Bundles and Dock.

I hope you like it. ;)

Special thanks to all the beta testers and great artists who inspired me: Jonas Rask, Louie Mantia, shiizun, Kon and many other themers - big THANK YOU! :hug:

I'll be adding new icons soon, I'm thinking about the template - it's quite hard because these icons don't have too many similiar element or styles but I'll try to think of something to create a template for anyone who would like to create their own mods or new icons ;) If there will be anybody that actually like this theme :P

Have fun, I'm using iNaise for some time now and it's a very user friendly theme imo ;)


p.s. I'm already working on another theme, you'll see soon ;)
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JadeAquarians's avatar
thanks for the download