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The Thirty-Third Meeting



A visual novel in which Tabiran guild leaders discuss matters of goop, witches, and the surrounding area, in no particular order.

It can be played here:…

This was the most ambitious visual novel we've worked on, by an order of magnitude; we hope people enjoy the result!

:iconnarelith: wrote the intro and ending, and edited the whole script for consistency.
:iconiveechan-art: wrote On Algeen and Ywaru and produced all character and incidental art.
:iconmillybat: wrote On The Source of the Sickness.
:iconvoyagerwitch: wrote On the Witches Around the Continent.
:iconpsychictype: did graphics editing, scripting, staging, and miscellaneous magical jiggery-pokery.

This VN also includes a few cameos, which will be credited in separate submissions!

Some relevant stories: Jade's Lessons Encircled
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© 2016 - 2024 PsychicType
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SuperWillyTheGamer's avatar

The funny part is in 2020, the website now redirects to a completely different website. However you can use the wayback machine to get it workin again