psivamp's avatar


886 Watchers416 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Sep 4
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (103)
birthdAy '09: Enjoys birthday shenanigans
My Bio

I'm a mommy, an artist and devoted to my beloved Marine. DeviantART is like a second home for me, filled with many pseudo-family members and very dear friends.

Please check out my no-longer-active emoticons account at PunkyB.

All newer icons will be posted here.

Current Age: 27, Current Residence: North Carolina, Skin of choice: Ry's, Personal Quote: I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Tools of the Trade
Wacom Graphire 4, Adobe Master Suite CS3
Other Interests
Art, Video games, Music, Marines <3 specifically animedevildog
To be fair... I&#039;m raising a 1 1/2 year old in addition to my older two and am 6 months pregnant with my fourth child.I&#039;m keeping my creative juices flowing, just haven&#039;t had the time or energy to do anything big lately apart from photography.
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Reddit find

0 min read
:thumb127980751: :thumb209482309: :thumb127945126:You like MY stuff, you will love :devcamiche:&#039;s work.
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old skool

0 min read
Yeah I&#039;ve been MIA pretty bad. My old computer died and I had to go back to using my desktop pc for a while. But I am back and am currently accepting requests for emotes and/or icons!A lot has happened this past year! My husband (:devanimedevildog:) and I got married (obviously!), moved 1100 miles and had a daughter!Now, he is deployed halfway around the world and I am left at home to raise 3 kids all by myself. VERY stressful! But he is so worth it :heart:If you want to request an icon or emote please send me a note with your request.
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Profile Comments 3.9K

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In a few days, it is going to be a relatively normal day...for most.  But not for you.  For on that will be a good day to revel in the moment that you were cast down upon this Earth, summoned and placed here by the mighty Odin to share your talents and your creativity with all.  Let thee rejoice and enjoy this time, and know you are wished a Happy Birthday!  May many more follow!

Also, Odin sends cake, blessed by King Kong and delivered by Godzilla! :D (Big Grin) Have your cake and eat it too
A few days from today, the history books show an entry.  An entry of mystery, and portent, as the great powers came down upon the Earth, and, in accordance with the wishes of the mighty King Kong, granted the world a boon.  That boon was you.  And lo, let it be said to all that you are to be wished a Happy Birthday upon that day, with the most excellent and amazing of cakes to partake in! :D (Big Grin) Have your cake and eat it too
History records that, just days from now, a tremendous upheaval took place as the ground cracked and broke apart, tornadoes spun counter to their nature, and even Godzilla bowed as you appeared upon the Earth to grace us with your art. And so it is wished upon you to have a Happy Birthday on that day....and a most excellent cake. :D (Big Grin)  Have your cake and eat it too
In a short time hence, may you have a most happy birthday, for that is the day that you descended upon the Earth in a shower of lightening! :D (Big Grin)  Also, have delicious Have your cake and eat it too that day!