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Welcome To The ProudAnthroArtist Club!

F2U | Canine Print Divider 2

:note: About our group

We want our group to be a big inspiration out there

make a lot of new friends, and share lots of art.

:faq: remake F.A.Q.

Our F.A.Q. can be found here.

:emailsend: Joining

Just click the "Join Group" button on the top of the page.

Gallery Submitting Artworks

If  you Have any Questions or comments ask the Founder, they will help you.  Also Submissions will be voted on. One vote every art and expires in 7  day's. You need to be a member to submit art. Happy Submission!

we  ONLY accept ANTRO art NOT FERAL. Please submit all mature/ NSFW art to  the "All Mature" folder. Ai work will also be declined. If your art was  denied then it probably did not follow one of these following rules.

:+fav: Suggesting to Favorites

Any member may suggest a favorite, so feel free to add!
As of March 26th, 2024 groups no longer support favorites.

:groups: Affiliates

We  are accepting affiliates of all kinds as long as your group is a  serious one. If the group is just made up then we're sorry we can not  affiliate with you.
As of March 26th, 2024 groups no longer support affiliates.

:blahblah: revision Chatroom

Our Group Chatroom can be found here. Feel free to join and talk to fellow group members.

Eclipse Layout Migration Come March 25th DeviantArt will be forcing the migration to the new designs for all groups. When that happens we will be sure to post a how-to journal for all those who are not familiar with the new layouts. New Submission Rules - All work created with the use of Ai will be declined. We apologize to users who may support the use and creation, but this group and the staff do not support it. If we find anyone not correctly reporting their work being created with the use of Ai or if you continue to attempt to submit Ai work you will be banned from the group. Thank you and we look forward to continue seeing all your beautiful creations!
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All folders are now subject to vote! Due to the massive influx of submissions we had gone and opened up some of the folders to automatically allow submissions without staff review as we deemed people were following the rules for certain folders, but after about a year this is no longer the case. We appreciate our members showing off their characters, commissions, and other creations, but as we have 4k members many people choose to not abide by the rules. Thus we've decided to go back to our old method and curate every submission once again. With the updates to DeviantArt we are able to easily manage the ongoing large amount of submission unlike in the past when Eclipse first rolled out. Due note that sometime a submission or two may slip through the cracks. If you submission expires please resubmit it. We will go through the past 10+ pages of each folder and filter out the submissions which do not belong or are not sorted appropriatly. Thanks everyone, We look forward to
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